Week is starting. Am in the beginning of a break-up. I say beginning because I know it will be long and painful since neither of us really want to break-up, but we just need to, if we want to move forward in both our lives. This week is also going to be extremely busy because it's the last week of the quarter, and when you work in a revenue organization, that's where things happen. I'm kind of glad the weekend is over so I can pause this introspection and think of something else. When you are so busy doing something you slowly forget other things.
I've always been good at compartmentalizing and “keeping a good face” even when I'm not feeling that well. This time I won't. I'll try to be honest for once on my feelings even to my peers. We're humans, right? (Yeah, I'm trying to convince myself) — so why should I hide my emotions? Sure, I won't tell all the details of what I'm going through to the first person asking “what's up”, but instead of saying “I'm good, you”, I'll probably go for “doing ok”. Which is a big step.