
Can you imagine how insane it must have been to be working as an engineer in the 60s? With computer booming and the DARPANET slowly starting to become internet, I'm sure there was electricity in the air. Like... people must have started to realize that a revolution was about to arrive.

I just discovered 365 RFCs and I absolutely love that project. Going through old RFCs is like reading a time capsule. You can almost feel the excitement of the person that's writing it. It's also an interesting format. Somewhere between a specification and a pitch document. It's name is weird too. It literally asks for comment. It's humble yet very powerful. Humble and pretty revolutionary at the same time actually. But more than that, it's inspiring. I can sense the passion when I read them. And that's the thing. Passion is contagious.

Working as an engineer in tech today is I'm sure very different than what it used to be. A lot of things have already been figured out. Want to start a server at the other end of the world and sell goods online? Sure, click that button. Heck, want to send an email to someone? Easy. Email didn't even exist back then. They had to work on the foundations, and we now build on top of it.