I'm bad at pursuing positive habits. Take meditation for instance. I always go back to it whenever I feel bad, do it for a few days in a row, and when things are getting better I stop. It's very hard to incorporate it when things are doing well. The problem with that is that I never get to build up enough momentum to ripe the real benefits. Same happens for the gym. I used to go there a lot, then stopped mostly, and now I go every now and then. But again, I go because I know I need to, not because of a positive habit.
I just got out of meditating for the first time in month. Not long, 10 minutes. Before doing it I felt like it was a real chore. Sitting 10 minutes doing nothing? Man, my brain can't comprehend that. 10 minutes later I feel so much more rested, calm, in the moment. But I know that next time I will meditate I will still see it as a chore before I get to do it.
Actually it's the same for writing. How long will I still be writing on here? I hope a long time because I feel better after doing it, but who knows? Entropy, right? After a while, things get back to their initial position.
If I reflect a little, I think I can do things like meditation or gym on days where I don't have things to do. When work comes, it takes over the better part of the day. I need to wake up very early, get thinking about the day and meetings, finish late and go home to rest. It's just incredibly tough to make the time. My work-life balance is definitely broken.
That's another concept I'm not very fan of. Work-life balance. I don't want to separate the two. My work is part of who I am. I don't see it as work, it's something I like to do — but that stresses the hell out of me most of the time — still I enjoy it. I'm not looking to build fences between it and the rest of my life, I just need to find a healthier use of my time. Thus meditating? I'll keep you posted!