I wander

These days I'm really contemplating taking a sabbatical. Taking a few month far away from my day to day. Have a change in scenery. Embrace a new culture for a while. Be with different people. Wait, no, actually, be alone but far away from people I know. I think I sort of alluded to that on one week of quiet.

When I read stories of people traveling like that I find them very inspiring.

When I built this year's wandering, there was no real goal. I had decided to do 5 months seeing Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. Then it was Vietnam for two months and then on to Laos for 3 weeks. Now I am at the edge. In a little over two weeks I leave Southeast Asia for almost 7 months of wandering. I am fast approaching the last few weeks here and on 19 October I fold my tent, put away my play things, and hit the road with my camera in hand.

This. No real goal. It really appeals to me. There's a sense of adventure. Far from home, you don't know who you are going to meet or where you will be sleeping. No wonders one of my favorite books in On The Road.

I'm not sure I'd be able to do it. I've lived in a city all my life, and I'm accustomed to comfort. I love the idea but doing it is a whole different story. I could do it for a week or two, but more? Not sure.

So much to see in different corners of the world that I have not.

So much to see and yet most of us never really leave our home town. It takes courage to move.